Event-Condition-Action Rule Execution for Transactional Queues

Using ECA rules for acting on messages in transactional queueing

Christoph Bussler
8 min readJan 26, 2023

This blog discusses an approach to execute ECA (Event-Condition-Action) rules on JSON objects within database transactions in PostgreSQL — specifically on transactional queues. This guarantees exactly once execution and consistency of rule execution in case of failures (independent of the underlying reason).


ECA rules is an established concept in the active database domain (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Event_condition_action). The three elements of ECA rules are

  • Event. An event is one or more changes in the database, for example, an insert or update or deletion of a row in a table.
  • Condition. A condition is a predicate that evaluates to TRUE or FALSE and that is evaluated on the changes that caused an event.
  • Action. An action is a directive or code execution initiated when the condition evaluates to TRUE.

A familiar implementation are database triggers where the change that the trigger listens to is an event, the condition is the WHEN clause (in PostgreSQL syntax), and the action is a function being invoked when the condition applies.

In PostgreSQL triggers are executed in the same transaction that made the changes to the database that caused the trigger to execute. Several triggers can apply to a change and those are all executed in the same transaction.

ECA applied to transactional queues

An important application of the ECA rule concept is to queues and to messages within queues. The blog Implementing Queues in PostgreSQL (Part 1: Design and Measurement) shows an implementation of a transactional message queue within a database.

In context of this blog a message represents an event that consists of three elements

  • Event identifier. This is a unique identifier for an event.
  • Event name. An event has a name. The event name is used to select all ECA rules that refer to the same name. The conditions of the selected ECA rules will be used for evaluation.
  • Event payload. This is a JSON object of arbitrary schema.

Instead of dequeuing each event and acting on it (classical dequeue operation), some use cases require actions based on the event payload’s values evaluated by a predicate. In addition, several actions for each event are possible if there are different predicates that need to be evaluated for one event.

Therefore, for a given event there might be zero, one or more actions. If there is no action for an event because no predicate applied it is often important that this is noted in the system for possible downstream analysis.


This blog demonstrates one approach of executing predicates on events with JSON payloads and deriving the corresponding actions. ECA rules are explicitly managed as data in a table, and not implemented directly as database triggers themselves.

The table eca stores all ECA rules in scope. An ECA rule has an identifier, an event name, a condition, and an action. Since ECA rules are represented as data in a table they are managed by insert, update or delete operations like any other data.

When an event is inserted into the event table (enqueue), an insert trigger initiates the ECA rule evaluation on the event of all rules that are stored in the eca table. For each matching ECA rule the corresponding action is stored with the event payload in an action table that can be accessed by downstream processors.

After ECA rule execution the event is moved into an event_history table. If no ECA rule matched, the event is moved into an event_unmatched table. Each event therefore is either in the event history or in the set of unmatched events after it has been processed.

Database tables

ECA table

The eca table is specified as follows:

CONSTRAINT eca_id_pk
eca_condition VARCHAR NOT NULL,
eca_action_name VARCHAR NOT NULL,
eca_event_name VARCHAR NOT NULL

The eca_condition column contains valid SQL predicates that are evaluated against the event payload. An example is introduced below to visualize values in the various columns.

Indexes are not shown, for example, on eca_event_name, the column that is used to match with an incoming event based on its event_name.

Event table

The event table is specified as follows:

event_id UUID NOT NULL
CONSTRAINT event_id_pk
event_payload JSONB,

The event_payload is of type JSONB since an eca_condition might be a complex expression accessing different JSON properties. A binary representation at time of evaluation improves the execution duration.

Indexes are not shown, like for example a GIN index on event_payload in order to make access more efficient. The usefulness of an index depends on your particular use case and should be based on measurement.

Action table

If an event has at least one ECA rule for which the condition evaluates to TRUE the event_payload from the event, and the action_name from the ECA rule are inserted into an action table.

action_id UUID NOT NULL
CONSTRAINT action_id_pk
action_name VARCHAR NOT NULL,
action_payload JSONB

This table is very simple right now in order to only show the ECA rule semantics. In a product environment this table is used to trigger executions of applications or microservices to execute the action.

To maintain event arrival order (if that is required) a column is needed that captures the event arrival time. If the execution status of the action is to be managed, another column can contain the action execution status.

Event history and unmatched event table

After events are processed they are either moved to an event_history table or an event_unmatched table containing events that were not matched by an ECA rule:

CREATE TABLE event_history
event_id UUID NOT NULL
CONSTRAINT event_history_id_pk
event_payload JSONB,
CREATE TABLE event_unmatched
event_id UUID NOT NULL
CONSTRATIN event_unmatched_id_pk
event_payload JSONB,

After execution of one or more ECA rules for an event, the event is removed from the event table and resides either in the event_history table or the event_unmatched table.

The latter table is not necessary for ECA rule execution. It is in place for debugging purposes to ensure that unmatched events are a valid outcome in the given use case. If that is not the case, this table can be used for observing unmatched events and subsequently improve the ECA rules so that these exceptions can be addressed.

evaluate() function

Executing an eca_condition on an event_payload is done by using the evaluate() function introduced here: evaluate() PostgreSQL Function for Evaluating Stored Expressions (Part 1).

The function evaluate() has the following signature:

evaluate(object jsonb, expression varchar) returns boolean;

In this blog’s use case of ECA rule execution the actual parameter value for object is the event_payload, and the actual parameter value for expression is the eca_condition.

If evaluate() returns TRUE the eca_condition matches, otherwise it does not.

ECA rule execution

ECA rules are executed as follows for an inserted event into the event table:

  1. Select all eca rules for the event_name
  2. For each eca rule found, execute evaluate() using event_payload and eca_condition
  3. For each matching ECA rule, insert a row in action with eca_action and event_payload
  4. If there was at least one ECA rule found (matching or not), move the event to event_history
  5. If there was no ECA rule found at all, move the event to event_unmatched

This algorithm is implemented as a function triggered by an AFTER INSERT trigger on event.

The full algorithm is shown at the end in the Appendix.


The following example is taken from evaluate() PostgreSQL Function for Evaluating Stored Expressions (Part 1) and refactored as an example for queueing:

  • New car model notifications arrive as events
  • ECA rules specify notifications as actions, and their priority depends on a car’s specification

The following shows the ECA rules:

INSERT INTO eca (eca_id, eca_condition, 
eca_action_name, eca_event_name)
VALUES (gen_random_uuid(),
'(object -> ''horsepower'')::int > 1000',

INSERT INTO eca (eca_id, eca_condition,
eca_action_name, eca_event_name)
VALUES (gen_random_uuid(),
'(object -> ''price'')::int < 100000 and
object ->> ''color'' = ''silver'' ',

Note that an explicit cast to int is necessary for the correct execution. Note also that the predicate refers to the values using object as the parameter of the evaluate() function is named object.

Here are two sample events:

INSERT INTO event (event_id, event_payload, event_name)
VALUES (gen_random_uuid(),
'{"make": "Koenigsegg",
"model": "CC850",
"color": "silver",
"horsepower": 1385,
"price": 3650000}',

INSERT INTO event (event_id, event_payload, event_name)
VALUES (gen_random_uuid(),
'{"make": "Honda",
"model": "Jazz",
"color": "silver",
"horsepower": 0,
"price": 21394}',

After the two events are inserted, this is the status of the action table and the event_history table:

SELECT * FROM action;

| action_id | action_name | action_payload |
| 5f640... | NOTIFY_HIGH_PRIORITY | {"make": "Koenigsegg", |
| | | "color": "silver", |
| | | "model": "CC850", |
| | | "price": 3650000, |
| | | "horsepower": 1385} |
| de179... | NOTIFY_NORMAL_PRIORITY | {"make": "Honda", |
| | | "color": "silver", |
| | | "model": "Jazz", |
| | | "price": 21394, |
| | | "horsepower": 0} |
SELECT * FROM event_history;

| event_id | event_payload | event_name |
| 9d1d... | {"make": "Koenigsegg", | NEW_CAR |
| | "color": "silver", | |
| | "model": "CC850", | |
| | "price": 3650000, | |
| | "horsepower": 1385} | |
| 6f9a... | {"make": "Honda", | NEW_CAR |
| | "color": "silver", | |
| | "model": "Jazz", | |
| | "price": 21394, | |
| | "horsepower": 0} | |

Design considerations

Event names as well as action names should be database supervised and not just implemented as datatype VARCHAR. In most cases they are fixed enumerations, but in some they are dynamically changed. Implementations are therefore use case specific, for example, as checked constraints, or values in table containing the currently specified values.

The SQL predicates in the column eca_condition should be checked for syntactic correctness as shown here evaluate() PostgreSQL Function for Evaluating Stored Expressions (Part 2). This ensures that there are no runtime errors due to incorrect predicate syntax.

The event payload is moved between tables and also replicated (for example, in the action and history tables in case of a matching event). A possible design change is to store the event payload in a separate event payload table and use foreign key references to refer to the payload instead of replicating it by value. This avoids duplication and moving of potentially many large values.

Table maintenance is required since the action, event_history and event_unmatched tables grow continuously. Regular and periodic maintenance is important to restrict the tables’ growth and keep those below a set limit.


This blog demonstrates an implementation of an Event-Condition-Action rule (ECA) system in the context of transactional queueing in PostgreSQL. ECA rules are managed as data and transactionally executed in order to derive actions to be taken on event arrival based on the specified ECA rules. The blog discusses detailed table and function specifications and provides an example.

Appendix — ECA rule evaluation function

The following listing shows the insert trigger and the invoked functions in order to execute ECA rules as specified in the eca table.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION evaluate_eca_rules()
LANGUAGE plpgsql
v_action RECORD;
v_eca_found BOOLEAN;
v_eca_found = FALSE;
FOR v_action IN (SELECT eca_action_name,
FROM determine_actions(
IF v_eca_found IS FALSE
v_eca_found = TRUE;

INSERT INTO action (action_id,
VALUES (gen_random_uuid(),

IF v_eca_found IS FALSE
-- Move event to unmatched table
INSERT INTO event_unmatched (event_id,
VALUES (NEW.event_id,
-- Move event into history table
INSERT INTO event_history (event_id,
VALUES (NEW.event_id,

DELETE FROM event WHERE event_id = NEW.event_id;


p_new_event_name VARCHAR,
p_new_event_payload JSONB)
eca_action_name VARCHAR,
event_payload JSONB
LANGUAGE plpgsql
RETURN QUERY SELECT eca.eca_action_name,
FROM eca
WHERE eca.eca_event_name = p_new_event_name
AND evaluate_schema.evaluate(
eca.eca_condition) = TRUE;

DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS evaluate_eca_after_insert_event ON event;

CREATE TRIGGER evaluate_eca_after_insert_event
ON event
EXECUTE FUNCTION evaluate_eca_rules();



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